
Showing posts from August, 2017

Peace of mind

Neither in holy nor in beauty, a peace of mind lies within the little piece of mind. Look around yourself, sometimes the world is so harsh and sometimes its so calm. Nothing is there in blank space except the colors or the things we put to stay. Life is a long living challenge with short term period. Adventure of mind is to live forever. The soul is pure and perfect in every possible way , no matter how many dark spots are there on the grey. The anonymous thoughts like waves of sea striking every second the shore of sea but what you keep with yourself diving deep into the sea , is a pearl of grace that signifies the beauty of peace in your mind. That's all about the little piece of mind where the peace of mind lies.                                                                                               (exploresakshi)

Belief or a fact : what you choose to live with ?

Belief is something that you conclude from your own thoughts and expectations and start believing in it. on other hand the Fact is that reality which is always to your eyes but you never want to see it. We never try to figure out the difference between our beliefs and facts that revolves around our life. Everything is under control if you really want to. We get stressed or depressed by the wrong behaviour of people , discouragement or criticism and by a defeat and lock ourself by the visible problem but with invisible lock, which we don't know where is placed but of which we have a key to open it. The problem is not the presence of problem in our life , the problem is we take that small adventure like a big problem of life. Nothing is going to be forever and no one is going to live with us forever. See the things you believe in , find an answer why should you believe in it and for how long ? Time changes actions and actions changes the beliefs only the constant is the fact you d