
Showing posts from September, 2017

unexpected words that women seeks for

I wonder when i saw a WONDER OF MAGIC SEEKING FOR MAGIC. Who is this wonder of magic i am talking about ? Here I am talking about those wonders who are recognised as a women in our society. One single women plays many important roles in her life but never gets a true freedom to live for her own happiness , for her own dreams. The backward society of narrow mind can kill a daughter in womb, can abuse them , don't allow for a love marriage but deals for her sexuality by giving dowry. That men suited in black clothes has all rights to make a girlfriend , have a sex before marriage, then leave her calling a slut . But its ok because women is always considered between the two pockets of man in his zip only. And if any women tries to standup for herself mistakenly she is called characterless.  Sorry I can't bear all this if being women is facing all this bullshit i don't want to be a women in society , I just want to be ME and want to say every women on planet this MY DEAR

Let it go

Not all the things are meant to happen in our life.  Some makes us happy and some makes us sad but nothing sticks permanent in life. People come people go and life goes on. "Your life depends upon the restless time not the people in or out of the time". Once for a while , we all want to stop somewhere in a life to stay with the things. Sometimes in a hope and sometimes with no hope. We want to live with a dead past moment making the ashes of present and never realize what the precious gems we are losing from the buckets of sand we are holding. Moving on is being alive and the no movement indicates you are not alive. If there are three zeros in your one thousand problems remember that there is always a number one to raise your happiness. "Learn to win your inner world , the outer one was never a battle." Let the things go , that are meant to go away. Be choosy about the little things , upon which you want to spend your time on. Follow your heart for heart and