Who is missing you?

Each day is your own day. What the way you choose to make it, is simply your way. We are constantly living our lives like a marathon. From the beginning  of the day, we hang ourselves with the  clock, having one initiative that all our work would be done by the end of the day and will left behind all other people running with us for the same initiative. And the process repeats.
Although, its a good prescription to walk along a world around you. But what's the fun of walking with the world which doesn't belong to you. Every person on the planet has his own priorities and pursuits. No one can match his identity with the other. In this hustle of being what you are not, you left your true side behind somewhere in this race of being first. And the meaning of certain things you did or you should do is missing from your initiative as your life is  missing from the address,where it should be.  It is always easy to be what you really are if you choose to be what you are without any doubt but with a firm calmness. Don't let your life to miss you, just be with it and live it at the fullest.

#missingaddress_chapter_1 #exploresakshi



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