It's Okay If You're Not Their First priority read the title right , it's absolutely OKAY if you're not their first priority. No, am not a computer machine or any robot who's writing this blog. I have same skin as you have and I've same emotions alike you. In my opinion, the life we get is a journey to explore everything before it ends. People we meet here are the chances, chances that either we miss out sometimes or take them by choice. Nothing is permanent in this temporary world, we all know this but we don't try to learn this. Sometimes when we meet an individual for the very first time we often like to stay in touch with that person because we feel like going along with them. And after that when everything starts going with a flow we try to figure out our place in their life. We went curious to know are we their priority or not. And by priority we mean first priority, which our little mind head us to think so which is hilarious.

We all have different timings in different ways in different lives and still we bother about our positions and value don't know why. You know what , it really doesn't matter how important you're to someone else until you doesn't find yourself important for your own self. Because to the people whom you're asking to tell about their priorities in the delusion to hear out your fixed name, might already have their fixed priorities before even meeting you. So just stop having resentments with people who love you from the duration they know you instead of their priorities.



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